Flirt cards

Flirt cards

I am single again. This is not what I wanted. What I wanted was a strong, healthy, lasting relationship. Instead I am single. I love my now-ex-boyfriend, and I know that he loves me. That is both reassuring and irrelevant because I also know our relationship wasn’t...
20K+ likes = #AYMBF love

20K+ likes = #AYMBF love

I got tagged in an Instagram post last night that caught me totally by surprise and I just have to let you know – Are You My Boyfriend? was shared on Elite Daily’s feed, and within hours there were thousands of likes and comments. THIS IS SO EXCITING! Obviously...

The best kind of cheap date

Are You My Boyfriend? is on sale! For just $2.99 you can download a digital dating pick-me-up for yourself or a friend. This makes me happy. Hope it makes you happy too.
How to feel better about being alone

How to feel better about being alone

If you are single, or you know someone who is, a copy of Are You My Boyfriend? is the antidote to any sort of related distress or negativity. Trust me, I know of what I speak. I mean, obviously, because I wrote the book. But more recently, because a few weeks ago I...

You’re invited to the #AYMBF launch party!

I’m happy to announce that on February 4, 2014, all are welcome to help celebrate the launch of Are You My Boyfriend? by attending this awesome event: Not only will you get to witness the first-ever public reading of a delightful picture book for grown-ups,...