This #thankyouthursday, I am grateful for light in the soul.

Because there is a direct connection between you and world peace, and it is simpler than you might think.

Light in the soul leads to world peace.

Light in the soul can be music

The other night I heard a wonderful series of phrases as part of a song.

(If you want to listen, too, here is a link—it’s not the same group/exact tune I heard, but it’s close.)

When there is light in the soul there is beauty in the person.

When there is beauty in the person there is harmony in the home.

When there is harmony in the home there is honor in the nation.

When there is honor in the nation there is peace in the world.

The lyrics are from a Chinese proverb, but the context in which I heard them was all about America.

We have the power to make America—and the world—a loving place

I love my country, and I also worry for it, and I also take action every day to make it better. And that includes taking action to make myself better.

Because self-care is at the crux of everything: you cannot truly be good to others if you hate yourself, and if you truly love yourself, you cannot be hateful to others.

So I really like that these lyrics highlight the importance of self-care.

Step one

First we nurture our own souls; we allow our lights to shine.

Step two

Then we are able to bring our shining selves into relationship with others.

Step three

At that point, we can cultivate true community, at all levels.

Step four

In true community cultivated by shining souls in loving connection, peace is the only path forward.

In conclusion, cultivate light in the soul to achieve world peace

“Self-care”—and its close cousin, “self-love”—are terms that get bandied about and often diminished.

But they are vital all the same.

It really is true that we are all connected. Each of our individual actions does make a difference, no matter how small.

So if you want to live in a better world, be a better person.

And if you’re not sure how to be a better person, start with being kind to yourself.

Love > fear,
