Well, more accurately, I need to talk. To you. About writing, and what it feels like to have my very first book being published (and why it is so important for you to pre-order it), and what I’m working on next, and how creativity is confusing and fulfilling (hm, kind of like dating) and how I have so much faith and also some doubts and how I’m super excited and also a bit afraid but mostly thrilled and grateful and happy you are reading this and so on and so forth.

So, I’m going to use this space for the occasional shout-out to whoever wants to know what’s up, because I already know you’re going to love my book, but I want you to know me, too.

(And if you want to reallyreally know me, and possibly feel better about yourself as well, I have another website worth checking out.)

Oh, and if you haven’t already signed up for my mailing list, do it! It’s the best way to stay in the know when it comes to me and my words. I won’t be flooding your inbox or anything, but I’ll keep you posted on Are You My Boyfriend? developments, and I’ll tell you when new blog posts are up.

Plus, people on my mailing list get extra treats. (More on that later.)

Okay, I think that does it for now. I’m glad we had this chat, and I’d love to hear from you: your thoughts on the book, any questions you have, what you’d like to read more of, dating stories you want to share—anything you want to say, I’m happy to hear it. In the meantime, thanks for listening!

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