I am so deeply grateful for reliable guidance.

Like, seriously, it is such an important part of my life. And the more I experience the benefits, the more I feel compelled to share the wisdom I receive.

Because I want you to have it, too.

Reliable guidance always comes from my spirit guides

The other night I was freaking out and a spirit guide consultation concluded with this (completely typical and effective) reassurance.

The consequence of conviction is communication

A while back I wrote a #thankyouthursday post about conviction.

I remember feeling a little uncomfortable, somewhat defensive about that post. I worried that all I was really saying is that it is important to say something.

Which it is.

Because if you really believe in something and you stay silent?

Well. It’s true that sometimes silence speaks volumes. But I believe now is a time to be talking.

There is too much that needs to be said. There is too much love to spread, too much transformation to support.

And today I need to tell you about the importance of spirit guides.

I know what to say (and do) because I receive reliable guidance

If you’ve been keeping up with me over the last few months, you probably know I talk to spirit guides.

What started as a curiosity about deepening my intuition has evolved into a calling and a profession.

Over time—and with lots of evidence—I have come to completely trust the information I receive.

I don’t trust it because I want to; I trust it because it’s true.

Time and again, my spirit guides have provided accurate wisdom, not to mention unconditional comfort.

And although words are my forte, the value of spiritual reassurance transcends language.

You have spirit guides too

I am confident this guidance is available to everyone.

I’ve never had a client who didn’t have spirit guides. From atheist to agnostic to devout Catholic to super-woo, every person I’ve worked with has their own personal form of loving support in the upper realms.

And they don’t need me to make contact.

I’m available to do so, because my gifts and skills equip me to comfortably make spiritual connection on the behalf of others.

But all of us have unlimited access to immensely powerful love. And that love will always lead us if we let it.

Receive + trust + act = peace

So even though providing spirit guide readings for other people is a deeply rewarding profession, my ultimate goal is to put myself out of a job.

Because if each of us felt empowered to connect to spiritual guidance on our own, anytime? And not only to connect, but to trust the accuracy of what comes through?

And if, having received accurate and trusted information, we each took action accordingly?

That’s a sure path to inner peace.

And when enough people are grounded in peace, we’ll also see it in our world.

My spirit guides did me a solid, and I am grateful

Honestly, I could make every #thankyouthursday post about spirit guides, because I am grateful every day.

But this week, they came through for me in exceptional ways on multiple occasions, and my gratitude is deeper than usual.

For example, the other night I was anxious and I had to make a decision in a matter of minutes. My first idea was to frantically call a handful of friends.

And when none of them answered, I remembered that—duh, as always, when I need truth, I can go within.

So I sat down and quickly connected with my guides.

(It’s worth noting that it used to take me 15 minutes to make connection, whereas now sometimes it takes only seconds. Practice works!)

The guides quickly set me straight, and my anxiety abated. Then I (admittedly reluctantly) took the action they suggested. And everything worked out great.

You’d think I’d get used to that pattern after experiencing and witnessing it so often, but it humbles me every time.

I encourage you to be curious

If you want to know more about your spirit guides, I encourage you to learn.

You’re welcome to email me directly or to browse the explanatory web page I put together.

You’re also welcome to look at the interactive spirit guide reading I emailed on Halloween.

And I especially invite you to find a few minutes of stillness today or tonight.

Get comfortable, and pay attention to your breath until you feel calm.

When you’re ready, let your heart ask a question. Then sit quiet and listen.

You might just receive some reliable guidance.

Love > fear,
