#thankyouthursday gratitude (and other blog posts)


This #thankyouthursday, I am grateful for 1-833-LUV-NAPS.That’s a real number you can really call—it’s part of The Nap Ministry’s mission, and if you dial it, you will hear a rest-related message.I am an ardent supporter of Tricia Hersey and pretty much everything I...

Peaceful transitions

This #thankyouthursday, I am grateful for peaceful transitions—and no, I am not talking about the one I trust will take place in the White House.I’m talking about a job that I had yesterday but don’t today. After nearly five years with the organization, my part-time...

“Let the Rest Fall Through”

This #thankyouthursday, I am grateful for "Let the Rest Fall Through," which is my favorite song off Kelley McRae’s new album, This Side of Night. I first discovered Kelley McRae nearly ten years ago and have been devoted to her work ever since. When we both lived in...

Cinnamon Rolls

Hi , This #thankyouthursday, I am grateful for cinnamon rolls. It’s funny, because just last week I was thinking about how important it is that I use this platform of gratitude to highlight and amplify truly important causes, messages, values, etc. I’ve been able to...

The Marshall Project

Hi ,This #thankyouthursday, I am grateful for The Marshall Project.It’s that time of year when it feels like most people I know are looking forward to time off from work, relaxing in cozy homes, seeing family, exchanging gifts.Meanwhile, millions of Americans are...


Hi ,This #thankyouthursday, I am grateful for Evicted.Evicted is an astonishing book that won the Pulitzer in 2017, for good reason. I heard about it a couple weeks ago during an antiracism workshop, and a few days later my local library came through with an ebook...

Oh, deer

Early this morning, just as the sun was rising, I got out of bed, looked out the window—and saw a deer in my backyard. This #thankyouthursday I am grateful for plenty of big things, but I am especially grateful for simple pleasures. Like seeing a deer in my...

Where there is darkness, there can always be light

Where there is darkness, there can always be light

Sometimes I get stuck in the dark. And I am so grateful for light. I'm not talking about sunshine or lamps, although I'm grateful for those, sure. I'm talking about Light with a capital "L," the source energy that is everything good. Which is to say, the source energy...

Framily is a silly word but a very important thing to be grateful for

Framily is a silly word but a very important thing to be grateful for

At the risk of offending my blood relatives, all of whom I dearly love, this #thankyouthursday I am espousing the significance of my framily. Sometimes friends become more than friends I moved to New York for the first time when I was twenty, and then permanently when...

Books & Publications

Need some inspiration related to love and self-care? I’ve got you covered:

A Picture Book for All Ages

Are You My Boyfriend?

Originally developed for adults, this illustrated tale is appropriate for (and loved by) children as well.

The Blog Before the Book

Calling It In

How a four-month separation created space for the love of a liftime. 





P.O. Box 8521, Richmond, VA 23226